List of employees at our institute You may select the different sections to see who works where. Admin Applied informatics Section for cytogenetics Section for interphase genetics Show all Andreas Kleppe Research Director Send an email Anne Mette Eng Eibak Laboratory Coordinator 22782364 Send an email Anthony Manet System Developer Send an email Audun Ljone Henriksen System Developer Send an email Birgitte Nielsen Senior Researcher Send an email Bjørn Morten Sannes Technical Engineer 22782333 Send an email Charlotte Nærø Wang Administrative Consultant 22782367 Send an email Christeen Ramane Pedurupillay Jesuthasan Laboratory Engineer Send an email Elena Olsen Laboratory Engineer Send an email Elisabeth Åsebø Laboratory Engineer Send an email Erik Skaaheim Haug Consultant Send an email Erling Sten Sæthre-Hansen Economy and IT Security Consultant 22782322 Send an email Fahri Saatcioglu Professor 22854569 Send an email Filip Nicolaysen Laboratory Engineer Send an email Francesca Micci Section Leader, Cancer Cytogenetics 22782360 Send an email Frida Marie Ihle Julbø System Developer Fritz Albregtsen Professor 22934833 Send an email Gunnar B. Kristensen Consultant Haakon André Inderhaug Technical Engineer Send an email Hanne Askautrud Section Leader, Interphase Genetics 22782327 Send an email Hans Martin Mohn System Developer Send an email Hege Moland Medical writer/Editor, Kreftlex Send an email Hilde Ramstad Project Coordinator, HR Consultant 22782321 Send an email Ilyá Kostolomov Technical Engineer Send an email Inger Nina Farstad Consultant Ingrid Elise Konow Waydahl Laboratory Engineer Send an email Ingrid Louise Normann Laboratory Engineer Send an email Ioannis Panagopoulos Senior Researcher 22782362 Send an email Joakim Kalsnes System Developer Send an email John Arne Nesheim Interim Section Leader, Applied Informatics 22782323 Send an email Jørn E. Jacobsen PhD Candidate Send an email Julie Tro Jerud Laboratory Engineer Send an email Kari Anne Tobin Laboratory Engineer Send an email Karolina Cyll Post. doc Send an email Knut Liestøl Researcher Krishanti Harikaran Laboratory Engineer Send an email Kristin Andersen Laboratory Coordinator 22782365 Send an email Laila Bergly Unit Leader, Laboratory Engineer Send an email Ljiljana Vlatcovic Consultant Manohar Pradhan Consultant Pathologist 22782329 Send an email Maren Tandsæther Consultant Maren Sofie Faldalen Guttormsen Laboratory Engineer Send an email Margrethe Stoltenberg Laboratory Engineer Send an email Maria Isaksen Project Administrator/Lab Engineer Send an email Marian J. Seiergren Designer, Communications Advisor Send an email Markus Edward Frøyland Wiik Laboratory Engineer Send an email Marna Lill Kjæreng Laboratory Coordinator Send an email Marta Brunetti Researcher Send an email Marte Øigarden Quality Assurance Manager/Laboratory Engineer Send an email Nadia Huse Skauge Laboratory Engineer Nina Øino Laboratory Engineer Send an email Ole-Johan Skrede PhD Candidate Send an email Paul Callaghan Digital illustrator Send an email Petter Brandal Consultant 22782363 Send an email Rajni Kumar Project Manager/System Developer Send an email Rolf Anders Syvertsen System Developer Send an email Saeedeh Shahmohammadi Laboratory Engineer Send an email Sander E. Magnussen Helgesen System Developer Send an email Sarah Reimann System Developer Send an email Sepp de Raedt System Developer Silje Bringsrud Laboratory Engineer Send an email Stian Dysthe Bilec System Developer Send an email Sverre Heim Chief Consultant, Professor 22782361 Send an email Tarjei S. Hveem Interim Institute Director / Section Leader, Applied Informatics 22782325 Send an email Tina Arntsen Alvestad Laboratory Engineer Send an email Trine Reine Head Engineer Send an email Trond Ystanes Technical Engineer 22782334 Send an email Turid Torheim System Developer Send an email Wanja Kildal Head Engineer 22782335 Send an email